Voice Within : Handbook for young political leaders on intra-party democracy

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YIHR developed a new handbook for young politicians called Voice within: Handbook for young political leaders on intra-party democracy This handbook examines the implementation of norms within the organization of political parties with the emphasis on reach and the power of impact of youth political organizations and young political leaders on the functioning of political partie s. By studying the intra-party democracy, the text deals with the inclusion of youth, indirectly in the social and political life and directly in the decision-making processes in political parties.

Intention of the publication is to give guidelines and recommendations for basic democratic principles and procedures in a political party system for young political leaders. Special emphasis is put on the close connection of achieving democracy in political parties with the democratic development of the society.

This publication is based on research and recommendations by National Democratic Institute (NDI), it summarizes strategies to increase the influence of young people through political party youth organizations on their mother parties, democratization processes within their countries and integration efforts within the region. Recommendations and guidelines are intended as a tool for political parties and those who seek to promote their development. As such we hope that this document will better inform the efforts of political parties that seek to make their practices more inclusive and their operations more institutionalized.

Publication can be downloaded HERE

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