The School of Democratic Leadership gathered more than 20 participants and members of 5 political parties in Montenegro. The program consisted of workshops, lectures and round tables on following topics: justice, freedom and security, EU accession and chapter 24 of acquis, rights of refugees and asylum, judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters.
During the program, ACT, BUILD, CHANGE, a new PYN handbook on human rights was presented to the participants.
Handbook brings detailed definition, structure and importance of specific branch of human rights; documents regarding international and European system of protection and the end offers some recomendations for young political leaders.
Read some of them here.
Your political organisations should take measures,
including, where appropriate, in internal electoral system
that encourages integration of women in elective positions
in the same proportion and at the same levels as men.
Members of your political organisations are encouraged
to honour and respect victims of massive human rights
violations from the past regardless of their political,
ethnic, civic or racial identity.
You and your colleagues are encouraged to promote
integration by respecting the claims and sensitivities
of different social groups regarding the display and use
of symbols in shared public space. While being mindful of
freedom of expression parties should avoid the divisive
use of symbols and where appropriate, promote inclusive
Your political organisations should exclude from
public service members who are personally responsible for
gross violations of human rights or serious crimes under
international law.