Interview with Mihael Leskovar, interim president of HNS – LD Youth, highlighting the importance of patience and persistence in politics for effecting change

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Dear Readers, we are delighted to continue our series of enlightening conversations with emerging young leaders from across the region. Today, it’s our pleasure to introduce you to Mihael Leskovar, the interim president of HNS Youth.

1.Dear Mihael, please introduce yourself to our readers!

My name is Mihael Leskovar. I come from a place near Varaždin, a small city located in the northern part of Croatia. I am the interim president of HNS – LD Youth – Croatian People’s Party – Liberal Democrats. I am also a member of the Varaždin County youth Council.

2. Look back at the start of your political activism. What was your motivation? What was the reason behind your decision to be actively engaged in politics?

My main motive for entering political activism was young people’s disinterest for politics because most young people in Croatia always complain how our politicians are inadequate and are not suitable to lead our country and its residents. While it is their right to complain, those young people do not want to do something by themselves to change the situation in Croatia for the better. I decided a long time ago that I do not want to be like that because complaining will not produce results, only actions produce wanted results, so my decision was to enter politics and try to change the political situation in Croatia for the better.

3. What are the most valuable lessons you learned through political activism? What skills and knowledge helped you to acquire?

In my opinion, the most valuable lessons political activism has taught me are patience and persistence because everything happens slowly in politics and it is never easy or simple. That is why I learned to be patient and to persevere in my goals and beliefs despite all sorts of obstacles I come across in different areas of political activism.

4. Share with us one memory, anecdote, or a story from your political experience that you cherish the most.

The most striking memory of my political career is my election as the interim president of HNS – LD Youth. My organization’s youth has been largely inactive for several years with only a handful of us that kept the youth alive. So when my party organised a meeting with the most active young members, senior members alongside young members proposed me for the position of interim president. I was both surprised and excited for having this opportunity. I accepted the proposition and hope to achieve my goals with HNS Youth at the national level.

5. Why did you decide to join the Political Youth Network? Have you previously had experience in regional cooperation? What does regional cooperation mean to you?

We joined the Political Youth Network because we strongly believe in international cooperation between parties with similar ideology and ideas to change our countries for the better. Since today’s word is a global village, every country should strive to cooperate with each other, especially with neighboring countries. Political Youth Network is the best organisation to help us achieve aforementioned goals in the best way possible.

6. Nowadays we are faced with global challenges that require much solidarity and responsibility. What is your desired vision for the region in the next 10 years? What message do you have for young politically active young people in the region? 

In ten years, I would like the non EU countries from the Western Balkans to be accepted into the European Union so they could also have the same opportunities to evolve and develop as we do in Croatia. That task will be difficult to achieve, but step by step, anything is possible.

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