We are proud to announce a new PYN handbook on Human Rights – ACT, BUILD, CHANGE is available for download.
Often young politicians in parties are introducing new ideas and new policy proposals for party and in that way make very important contributions to the parties and public as well. All ideas should be strongly supported with expertise in order to make them applicable.
The aim of this publication, made by experts in the field, is to support your policy making process and addressing human rights violations as well as improvements in your country. If your party doesn’t have public policy or it needs an update you will be able to find all relevant information in this handbook.
PYN handbook for human rights consists of four chapters regarding minority rights, women’s rights, LGBTI rights and transitional justice. Chapters are divided into three parts that brings you: definition, structure and importance of specific branch of human rights; documents regarding international and European system of protection and possibilities that young people involved in political parties may use to detect violation of human rights in their countries in order to point out violation and relevant legislation which prohibits such a behavior.