Representatives of 19 political parties and their youth branches/colleagues participated at Annual PYN assembly during Zagreb Youth Summit (ZGYS) in November 2017.
PYN assembly was a side event of ZGYS in which all party representatives had the opportunity to take place and meet their counterparts from civil society and media from all around the world.
All party representatives participated in Talk at the top with Vesna Pusić, Croatian MP on the first day of the Assembly during which they had the opportunity to ask questions and gather valuable experience.
Second day of the Assembly had been reserved for training and exchange of different practices and experiences in internal party democracy. Questions like how are internal bodies and functions distributed/elected; how influential are young party members, were answered and analyzed. Different practices could be identified, but much more similarities had been spotted, practices that are shared among the parties across the region. Internal party democracy has been and still is a very important field, not just for party members but for general public as well.
In the second part of the day PYN members and associated parties were involved in a group planning of future PYN activities. Some fresh ideas had shown up and on their basis the PYN secretariat is preparing and implementing current and future activities.
One of the idea which was discussed was participation of young people in politics. All parties had shown shared interest in a stabile flow of new and fresh young party members (especially young branches of parties) and the current trend in the public are not in favor of those prospects (low turnout, broad political apathy).
In order to tackle those challenges PYN is preparing a video campaign aimed at young people to become politically active. All members will be able to use the campaign individually or in coordination with other parties (in order to get best results) because it will be made in a cross party and cross national fashion.
Other ideas which were pointed out as beneficial for young political leaders included capacity building in public speaking, media appearance, campaign building and implementation and policy making . The PYN secretariat is preparing future activities in that direction as well.