Talk at the top with – Vesna Pusić

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Talk at the top is a form of discussion and transfer of experiences which PYN has been using from its beginning. It’s set up in order to make opportunity for young political leaders to learn from senior politician which are or had been occupying highest state offices – presidents of states and governments, ministers and long term and experienced MPs from the region.

Last PYN assembly had welcomed Vesna Pusić, five consecutive terms Croatian MP and a First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs in the center-left Cabinet of Zoran Milanović (2011 – 2016). Special guest of Talk at the top had been Mr. Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) foundation.

Due to a very long political carrier of Mrs. Pusić, from the late 1980-is and early 1990-is the titles of discussion was named „From YU to EU and beyond“. A promising title hold up to its ambitions and a set of major political challenges such as the fall of communism, dissolution of Yugoslavia, transition to democracy and the EU eccession proces as well as current political sitution in region and Croatia had been covered.

After a very interesting lecture Mrs. Pusić was very open for discussion and questions coming from young politicians and representatives of their parties.

As the Talk at the top is a very well received form of capacity building of young political leaders the PYN will continue to organize these events in the future.

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