PYN represents

Interview with Srđan Veljančić, a young representative of Mladi forum SD who points out “It is plainly obvious that some of the struggles young people face in Slovenia are essentially one and the same as those faced by our peers in the Western Balkans region”

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Dear Readers, with the arrival of Fall comes the start of our next series of interviews with bright young voices from our member organizations all across the region. Meet Srđan Veljančić from Slovenia’s Mladi forum SD! 1. Dear Srđan, please introduce yourself to our readers! My name is Srđan and I’m the

Meet our new member: Interview with Besnik Bahtiri

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Dear readers, we are closing our series of interviews with new representatives that became part of our expanding Political Youth Network with this last article. Meet Besnik Bahtiri from the New Kosovo Alliance! Dear Besnik, please introduce yourself! I am Besnik Bahtiri, chairman of the New Kosovo Youth Alliance, graduated lawyer, political

Meet our new member: Interview with Vukašin Blagojević

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We are happy to share with you, are dear readers, an interview with another new representative that became part of our expanding Political Youth Network. Meet Vukašin Blagojević from the Movement of Free Citizens from Serbia! Dear Vukašin, please introduce yourself to our readers! My name is Vukašin Blagojević and I am

Meet our new member: Interview with Endrit Zabërgja

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Dear readers, in this interview we are introducing you another new representative that became part of our expanding Political Youth Network. Meet Endrit Zabërgja from The Initiative of Socialdemocratic Youth from Kosovo! Dear Endrit, please introduce yourself to our readers! I am Endrit Zabergja, 26 years old, political activist who