[APPLY NOW] Regional News Cafe Webinar: International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis of Western Balkan Countries

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In order to promote critical thinking, media literacy, and knowledge about the political situation in the Western Balkans among politically engaged youth and young activists from the region, we have decided to organize a series of online webinars. Professor Dr. Dejan Jović will be our distinguished guest lecturer at the upcoming Regional News Cafe Webinar: International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis of Western Balkan Countries, which will be held on October 19th from 17:00.

Webinar Goals: This webinar will delve into the latest political developments in the Western Balkan countries since the aim of our webinar series is to empower the next generation of leaders and young activists in the Western Balkans with essential skills to deepen their understanding of recent and ongoing regional political events. To be able to actively engage in the discussion, we encourage participants to critically analyze political information they encounter in the news and read on news portals.  

Dejan Jović is a professor of international relations at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and a visiting professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. He earned his doctorate at the London School of Economics and Political Science and worked as a lecturer at the University of Stirling in Scotland. He served as the main political analyst to the President of the Republic of Croatia from 2010 to 2014 and was the Chairman of the Governing Board of the Institute for Development and International Relations. He was also the editor-in-chief of the political science journal “Politička misao” (Croatian Political Science Review). He is the author of the book “Yugoslavia: A State that Withered Away” and has edited several books in the field of international relations theories and the disintegration of the Yugoslav federation.

Register for this interactive webinar, designed especially for young, politically active individuals who want to gain deeper insights into the regional situation and exchange their perspectives with like-minded youth interested in the politics and stability of the Western Balkans! 

Registration: Pre-registration is mandatory. REGISTER HERE: Registration Form 

Language: The webinar will be conducted in English. 

Who can apply? Young politically active individuals and members of youth branches of political parties from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Slovenia, North Macedonia, and Albania. 

Please note that the number of participants is limited. You can sign up until Thursday, October 19th, by 11:00 by completing the application form at the link provided above. 

The ZOOM link will be sent to you on October 19th between 12:00 and 15:00. 

We look forward to your active participation in this insightful event!

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